#(( its about time i showed some of the other bendys right
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reel-fear · 1 year ago
Bendy And The Power Of Representation
So those graphic novel pages huh? Seems I posted my cover post at just the right time because literally minutes after I was informed the preview pages came out and uh. This is Buddy and Norman!
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Oh dear... I'll put the full graphic novel pages down below but I have so much to say on how awful this is it'll need several posts. However, right now I want to mostly talk about representation and briefly touch on why it's so damn important + inform others about the current shit Mike and Meatly are saying about the books n such.
Now note: All the things I'm saying below are based on my personal experience, maybe some people don't care about seeing the representation of their identities in the media they consume. Maybe some will think I'm merely being dramatic and I might be but I'm not lying when I say I personally believe being represented and seen in the media you consume can be one of the most wonderful feelings in the world.
Look I'm not here to argue with people who think that Norman in particular was never meant to be a person of color, I would argue he is very coded but the points I'm making here are not about how Norman particularly had to be black. The point I want to make is the lack of diversity in our cast in general and how Norman's design has heavily dwindled it considering most people [including myself] rightfully assumed he was at least one of three black characters in our cast. Not according to this though and looking at the the rest of the pages our chances of seeing any kind of decent diverse character designs dwindle more.
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So firstly... Buddy a character who has been said to experience discrimination for being Jewish, lacks any kind of ethnic features at all. That's... Cool but yeah I think this shows a rather grim future for the character designs as a whole.
Also, Norman... As I mentioned he was largely assumed to be black due to his southern dialect, his voice, and other factors. But nope, he's a generic white guy. With... Gross looking hair tbh...
Sadly this is not the first time the topic of poor representation has come up concerning Bendy either.
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[note how he disregarded the other mentioned minorities and specifically cites LGBTQ+ characters]
This sucks as a response but sadly considering Mike's recent behavior it seems to fall in line with the Bendy team's general lack of care towards representing anyone who isn't straight and white.
So how did Mike respond to all of this? Well...
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TDLR - "Who cares if the Graphic Novel we're selling to our fans for full price sucks, we now no longer consider the books canon."
This is horrible, I know Mike and Meatly are only really in this for the money, the fact BATIM is in the state that it is proved that, but they really couldn't have been less obvious about it?
So basically when it benefited them, AKA when it meant people would have to buy the books to understand important lore like Boris' identity... [the character you spend all of chapter 4 trying to rescue] They were considered canon... At least the author sure thought so.
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Hell even in the tweet Meatly made here he doesn't say the books aren't canon, he just says they're not needed to understand Bendy's world. Now Mike is using that as a shield instead of doing the right thing and saying "You're right, the poc in our fanbase deserve better we'll have it fixed right away!" Like most reasonable people would considering how his studio has literally been accused of bigotry, poor rep, and general lack of diversity before. Why risk making more people avoid this franchise?
Also just... Imagine how insulting it would be to be an author who helps flesh out so much of this world and gives its characters depth like NONE of the games have managed to do, filling in plot holes, creating a timeline for events, etc... Then because they couldn't bother to change the graphic novel for ur story to be better they instead throw out all ur writing and declare it non-canon.
If I were her to put it bluntly I'd feel insulted and horrible. Why make her do all the work of making sure her works align with the timeline and game's canon if they're not part of it?
I can't speak for her obviously but Meatly and Mike know of her account, so speaking out against this could very much risk her being fired or at least not allowed to work on Bendy anymore... So I would take all her tweets on this situation with a grain of salt. She very much is not in a position where she could be honest if she was against this.
So with all that history now, the question I'm sure many are wondering is... Why does this even matter? Who cares how diverse the characters are when it doesn't affect the story?
Well for one thing, if you think like that consider having more empathy for your fellow human beings but also it does affect the story. One of DCTL's themes is about the bigotry of the period it is set in.
Now the Bendy team has managed to make the discussion of this book centering around their bigotry which is ironic in a way I almost find funny... Though this entire thing is just a bit too hurtful and upsetting to find any humor in, at least for me...
But another thing is representation can bring people such joy when it's done with care. It really shouldn't be understated how far it can go to make people feel more comfortable in their own sense of self to have a franchise choose to represent them and their experiences. I know this from personal experience.
Now if you've been following me for a while, you know I'm a big fan of Transformers. I no longer engage with it much due to baggage from the fandom's awful treatment of me, but before I left I remember being able to witness the release of Transformers: Earthspark first few episodes.
These introduced the Maltos the family who meets the Transformers and serve as our protagonists and guess what?
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It's a family of Filipinos!
Now look I'm not Filipino, but I am half Mexican and I have a lot of love for that part of me. So seeing the representation of any Spanish culture in this franchise I loved made me so happy! I remember just watching the first episode I was happily telling my partner how fun it was to see people like me and my family in a world I love!!
But it didn't end with the Maltos in fact... There was another character who spoke to me, their name was Nightshade. Their pronouns are They/Them and they spoke about it on the show! Not just mentioning it and moving on but actually sitting down to speak about their experiences...
This clip in particular really turned them into an absolute favorite among fans and well... I'll let you see it for yourself.
This scene... Fills me with a joy I cannot describe. It is the creators of a franchise I love telling me they see people like me and find the stories of people like me important enough to include in this series. There really is nothing like being able to say there are Non-Binary characters in a franchise I have so much love for. I was far from the only one too.
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This is amazing, this is wonderful, this clip and character were moving to so so many people and...
This is a joy the Bendy creators have no interest in giving their audience. They don't care how you feel as a queer and/or black person, which... Hurts...
I... Discovered I was trans while in the Bendy community... It was where I learned the word Non-Binary and started using it for myself. To me Bendy will always have that connection... But the devs themselves seem to hate the idea of being forced to actually represent that in their games... And I still haven't really gotten over that pain or betrayal if I'm being honest.
With Norman now being portrayed as white here, we are down to two black characters. Thomas [who Meatly has claimed is white in the past] based on a vague conversation with Sammy in DCTL they could easily ignore... And Jacob.... A book exclusive character which according to Mike means he is non-canon.
If we don't count Thomas' vague talk with Sammy about disrespect as confirmation he's black [which the devs don't seem to think so] then we have one black character in all of Bendy... And he recently got retconned into non-existence. Great.
Look... The Bendy fanbase has always been full of wonderfully diverse designs for the staff and even more diverse people creating them. Bendy's fandom was built with the work of queer people from all kinds of places.
If the Bendy team continues to show how little they care for anyone who isn't straight or white... I wonder who they are counting on to buy this book or in general financially support their franchise?
I know right now, I am furious, I am hurt and I most certainly don't feel like buying a book that's currently just a massive fuck you to the fans and I hope I've expressed why I feel this way in an easy-to-understand way here...
Either way, I will not be forgetting this anytime soon and I hope the fanbase does the same. Maybe just maybe, if there's enough backlash to this series of horrible decisions they'll learn better.
Right now, it's kinda of our only hope for a better future, and if you know any poc who are into Bendy right now... Maybe consider making sure they're feeling okay.
I know from experience how much this sort of thing hurts, to have the creators of a world you love straight up tell you they don't intend to fix the fact no one in their stories represents your identity or life...
What I'm trying to say is...
This is a really low point for Bendy and its fans... Even more for the poc who have to witness such ignorant and careless attitudes from Mike and Meatly towards their feelings.
Please don't forget them when you discuss these tweets or this situation. That's exactly what Mike and Meatly want right now.
For them to be unrepresented and therefore... Unheard.
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Ooh your display case is really cool! Can you give us a rundown of what stuff is/where you got it etc?
I don't want to overload everyone's dashboards with a ton of HQ pics of ALL of this individually so we are gonna go shelf by shelf left to right! I will try and use bullets to group certain things if they are apart of a set of some sort! (though I'm still working on these display cabinets and organizing things into their sets)
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Starting with the Eushully shelf!
Kami no Rhapsody (RPG/VN), Source: Ebay
Kami no Rhapsody guide/art book, Source: Ebay
Madou Koukaku (RPG/VN), Source: Ebay
Ikusa Megami Zero guide/art book. Source: Ebay
Kamidori Alchemy Meister Special Alchemy disk (content pack), Source: Mandarake
Kamidori Alchemy Meister Perfect guide/art book + content pack disc, Source: Ebay
Kamidori Alchemy Meister Hannah's Pilgrimage (content pack), Source: Ebay
Kamidori Alchemy Meister (RPG/VN) Source: Ebay
Amayui Labyrinth Meister guide/art book + content pack disc Source: Ebay
Amayui Castle Meister guide/art book Source: Ebay
Fuukan no Grasesta (RPG/VN) Source: Ebay
Eushully branded mug printed with MC's of their various games Source: Ebay <- just showed up on my ebay alert for Eushully for dirt cheep probably the most absurd Eushully branded thing I own!
Emilita phone strap (she one of the main three heroines of Kamidori Alchemy Meister) Source: Ebay
Amayui Labyrinth Meister (RPG/VN) Source: Ebay
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Tenryuu (Kancolle) Source: PLAMOYA
Saber Lilly (Fate Series) Source: PLAMOYA
Bendy OL-chan (pixiv artist OC) Source: amiami
Jill Stingray Nendroid (VA-11 Hall-A) Source: GOODSMILE
Yumiko Sakaki Bunny Suit (Grisaia no Meikyuu) Source: Solaris Japan
Marin Kitagawa Swimsuit ver. (My dress up darling) Source: amiami
Konata Cat Lingerie (pixiv artist OC) Source: amiami
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NOW FOR MY VISUAL NOVEL COLLECTION (That isnt an Eushully or Minato Soft title)
Tsukihime remake (Switch Limited Edition) Source: Amazon
Witch on the Holy Night (Switch Limited Edition) Source: Amazon
Grisaia Complete Box (Japanese edition) Source: Jlist <- I genuinely believe this is the RAREST thing I own did a quick search and found only ONE seller on Mandarake selling this and its a used and incomplete copy MINE IS STILL PRISTINE AND COMPLETE!
Rewrite limited edition Source: Ebay <- Rewrite has my favorite limited/special edition extras of any visual novel in additon to the beautiful artwork and some interviews and stuff they included SHEET MUSIC FOR TWO OF THE BG MUSIC TRACKS
Clannad Limited Edition Source: Ebay <- This was the first physical visual novel I ever bought and Imported so obviously it holds a special place in my heart, AND OF COURSE CLANNAD WAS THE FIRST VN I GOT A PHYSICAL EDITION OF BEING ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR VISUAL NOVELS OF ALL TIME AND CERTAINLY EARNS ITS STATUS AS A CLASSIC!
Little Busters Limited Edition Source: Ebay <- Not much to say about this one like I did the other two Key VN's ive got just another solid Limited edition of a great classic Visual Novel!
Subarashiki Hibi Source: Ebay <- Honestly with this one I am kind of disappointed in the quality of the box feels REAL flimsy but sadly box build quality isnt what it used to be back in the 90's
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Glow in the dark goblin: by Jocat <- glad Jocat has recently returned to twitch as his content is really amazing and I loved the little gobo animations he made with these guy's designs!
The absolutely adorable Cardiegon: by Ceroro <- whom is just an absolutely incredible artist whom yall should already be following here on tumblr by now!!!!
Finally the most recent plushie Sky (2.0 WITH BORGOR) the MC of Endless Monday Dreams and Deadlines: both the amazing game and sky herself are by hcnone <- GO PLAY ENDLESSS MONDAY RIGHT NOW GIVE HCNONE YOUR MONEY THEY ARE AN INCREDIBLE ARTIST AND MADE A WONDERFULLY AMAZING LITTLE GAME!!!!
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or13m · 3 months ago
Ink Wells and Dark Spells (batim) chapter 002
Bendy sprinted with all his might to the stairs, not trusting the elevator that had already failed him more than a few times. You'd think they would fix that thing already! He took the steps two at a time by jumping them, his short legs only going so far. It may not have made him any faster, but it sure helped burn some of his anxiety!
He only skidded to a stop when he reached Audrey's door, glad that no one but her had stayed late tonight. That was the case most of the time, but he'd had a couple close calls in the last week with a newbie who was trying to suck up to the boss by overworking. He didn't know why because he was clearly too tired to do his best work and ended up giving his character a tail by accident when he was technically not supposed to have one in the show.
Said tail was swinging rapidly behind him right now, as a matter of fact, getting Audrey's attention from where she was seated at her animator's desk.
"Oh, Bendy! It's you!"
The little ink demon tilted his head and rose a brow as if to say "Really?". Audrey had a habit of pointing out the obvious, he'd noticed. She liked to converse with others, so he supposed that she would do this to keep conversations going. The polar opposite of his Mouse, who only liked talking freely to him and that was only after a good week and a half of him convincing you that you weren't a bother. Bendy must have gotten a dopey smile on his face because Audrey was quick to ask him what he was thinking about. He perked up, shaking his head to indicate nothing before making his way further into the room.
"You know, you've been acting funny these past few months," the brunette continued, abandoning the work on her desk to focus her attention on the mischievous little demon. As she suspected, he stiffened at her words. She knew that look. She should. She drew it enough times in his cartoons. "You hiding something?" she asked, a smile pulling at her lips. She wasn't upset or unsettled. More than anything, she was curious. What could Bendy, the Dancing Demon be so secretive about?
Bendy shook his head emphatically, causing it to spin in place. He had to catch it with his hands to stop it, a wave of dizziness temporarily overcoming him. He could faintly hear the toon birds chirping above him before they vanished when he regained his balance. He noticed Audrey chuckling at him, but thought little of it. He was a toon, after all, meant to entertain even if it was by accident.
He didn't want to tell her about you. You were HIS and he wasn't ready to share you just yet. Audrey had been getting suspicious as of late, something that Bendy had taken notice of. He had to admit that he was pretty obvious about it, unable to hide his emotions as well as his darker half could. He'd been gone for long periods of time, visiting Audrey only briefly before taking off again. He had tried making more regular visits to take off those suspicions, but they only seemed to make Audrey notice MORE. Now he was visiting NIGHTLY and it was only making him antsy every time. He really wanted to get back to you...
"Oh, alright, keep your secrets. I won't pry," Audrey winked before turning back to her work. Bendy eyed her for a moment, piecut eyes narrowing with suspicion. She didn't flinch, simply continuing to work on the frames she had been tasked with. Bendy huffed before leaving the room, free to roam around the studio with the other employees all gone for the night. Ever since Wilson, they hadn't bothered to hire another janitor, simply letting Audrey take care of that since she had volunteered for such a late-night shift to take care of the last-minute cram sessions. Bendy was grateful for that since it gave him free reign in the real world--still within the boundaries of a studio, but at least this one had some color to it.
He paused midstep out in the hallway, lifting a gloved finger to his chin. He wondered if you'd ever thought about the real world and its color. Would you want to come with him? Well, he knew the answer to that, already. You always gave a cute pout when he'd leave and was always excited when he'd return. You were just happy to be with him. The thought made his cheeks warm.
Well, he couldn't take you with him just yet, but maybe he could bring you a gift? What trinket would charm you, though?
Bendy began to wander around in the faintly-lit halls of Arch Gate Pictures, poking his head in various rooms along the way. His horns wiggled with excitement when he caught sight of a little red rose beside a trash can in one room. He was quick to grab it, careful to make sure that it had no thorns to prick your delicate hands. He glanced into the trash--mostly full of crumpled papers--and spotted a small heart box. Curious, he picked it up and popped off the lid. His piecut eyes glistened at the hidden treasures inside.
Chocolates! Perfect! This was going swell for the little demon!
Hm, what else could he get you though? Rose and chocolates are the basics, but he wanted to get something personal for just YOU. Now what would--Oh! Duh! Of course! How could he be so dumb...
His heart beat a 1000 miles a minute as he raced as fast as his little toon legs could take him to the art department, keeping the gifts he already had close to his chest. Finding an empty sketchbook and some drawing utensils in a studio was ridiculously easy. You loved to draw. Whenever the two of you would stop for a bit, you would find a puddle of ink, a piece of wood, and start doodling on the wall. You had tried to use your finger, at first, but even the ink from the floor would sink into your skin and disappear. Just like his other half, he found that fascinating.
Gifts in hand, he sped back to the ink machine, completely forgetting that he was coming and going even earlier than intended.
He never did realize that he was being followed the whole time...
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sarroora · 5 months ago
Omfg I literally just sent that last ask prematurely I only got like 3 hours of sleep last night 😭 that was embarrassing ANYWAYS 🤜🫳
✨🧚 Sleep deprived HC time
Dibble definitely pulls those kinds of pranks on the fellas where he'll secretly put a cucumber by them and try not to laugh as they jump/overreact or shoot a laser pointer out of his apartment window into the alley and watch them go crazy over it from afar
Related to the last one, I feel like all the fellas would jump from the cuke except Brain. I feel like he'd just stare at it for a little bit and then take a huge bite out of it. He wouldn't eat the rest, just that one bite.
I can only describe the way T.C. loafs as a somewhat stale baguette 🥖
I feel like Spook, Chooch, and Brain have to be the snorers of the group. Brain has a cutesey not-obnoxious snore, almost like a purr, Spook snores pretty consistently because ✨brachycephaly✨ and Chooch only snores when he's sleeping the wrong way but when he does it's LOUD. Like he snores like a freight train (get it cos his name's Choo Choo ahhahagagaghh)
Generally the fellas don't like stealing clothes off the overhanging clotheslines but I think Brain disregards the fact that it's stealing if it's a really cozy-looking sweater. LOOK HE CAN DO NO WRONG IN MY EYES GIVE THE MAN HIS SWEATER
Pedro definitely Irish step dances and he fucking kills at it. Occasionally he'll show off in the pizzeria and get a big round of applause. He did try to teach Dibble how to do it when they were kids but Dib twisted his ankle so bad he needed surgery so they never tried it again
I really love to think that Fancy either had stripes when he was a kitten and grew out of them or he still has stripes but you can only really see them when the sun hits his fur right
Similarly to the last one I like to think T.C.'s fur and eyes have an almost metallic glisten to them in the sun like gold (not like Gold Pelt though like his fur just shimmers like gold would)
Yeah uhhh hopefully I get this done today and uh yeah 🧚✨
-YO I'm glad we both agree Dibble is a prankster🕺💃. You wouldn't think he's the type but that's why it's extra funny and unexpected for his victims friends lol
-Hell yeah Brain's a tactile fella and that's kinda how his brain works - rarely takes anyone's word for something being dangerous. He'll touch/taste it first and decide (which is scary for the other guys for obvious reasons)
-T.C. may loaf like a stale baguette indeed but he makes up for it by sleeping like a bendy croissant🥐
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-Brain bleps when he's sleeping too just sayin
-Oh yeah, T.C. needs to be vigilant about that - Brain can sometimes look at taking something as simply borrowing, coz he does intend to give it back eventually so what's the big deal? - not understanding that not everyone will see it that way and they could all get in trouble. So T.C. has to drill it in his head: "Anythin' you take from the gang is borrowin' - anythin' else without askin' is stealin'. We don' do that."
-Hell yeah I love the HC that Fancy has stripes. They're just not too differently colored from the rest of his pelt so they're not obvious in dim lighting
-Also, since Fancy is so darn charming and handsome, he and Benny tend to have the best luck getting food from strangers overall
-T.C. feels like Benny is the group's good luck charm. While yeah, the little fella can be a magnet for harmful freaks, he also attracts some kind and generous people who can't help but fall for his sweet looks and demeanor
-We need more Pedro and Dibble shinanigans asdgfkhflfsjl
-I always imagined T.C. and G.P.'s colorings to be opposites when it comes to their fur and eyes. T.C. has light yellow fur that is even paler in the sunlight, but has a nice shine to it when the light hits it just right. G.P.'s fur is naturally richer in its gold coloring even in dim lighting.
However, when it comes to the eyes, T.C.'s eyes are more richly golden and radiant, whilst G.P.'s are a lighter, colder yellow.
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 2 days ago
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And welcome to the SECOND, updated intro post of mine! I figured that 1. I wanted to branch out a little, and 2. that I could update you guys on stuff as my accounts have grown a LOT in the last year! [About me, my fandoms, rules, my other socials, DNI, and other fun stuff under the cut.]
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Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2 (under construction)
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Hey! I'm Jamison, I'm a gay trans man, and I'm here to write trash about things I like! I'm 18, and I go by he/him and it/its pronouns. I'm American and currently live in America as well, unfortunately.
Here are some things I like!
Musical Artists: Will Wood, IDKhow, ICP, MSI, Queen, The Correspondents, Tom Cardy, The Living Tombstone, The Happy Fits, Glass Animals, BBNO$, Fox SZN, Jack Stauber, Fall Out Boy, and Mother Mother.
Movies & TV Shows: The Looney Tunes Show, Yokai Watch, Kakegurui, The Disastrous Life of Saiki K, Archer, Bob's Burgers, The Amazing World of Gumball, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and The Lego Batman.
Video Games: Team Fortress Two, The Stanley Parable, Minecraft, Undertale, Bendy And The Ink Machine, and Bioshock.
Some Random Things About Me:
I like cheetahs and opossums a lot. Writing and baking are two of my favorite hobbies. I'm currently learning German, Spanish, and Mandrin. Fall is my favorite season. Yellow roses are my favorite flower, and yellow (and red) are my favorite colors!
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Time to talk fandoms! My favorite thing honestly. Right now I'm currently into:
Team Fortress Two
Postal, Postal 2, Postal 3, and Postal Brain Damaged
Pheonix Wright - Ace Attorney
Sam and Max
The Stanly Parable
FAITH The Unholy Trinity
I don't currently write for all these fandoms, but honestly, if you want, feel free to send in an ask about any of these fandoms and I might get around to it! But as for the fandoms I am currently writing for, Postal and Team Fortress Two take those spots.
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Asks are open! Headcanon requests, inncorrect quotes, short fics, x readers, all are fair game!
I am a uh... little bit behind on asks, so please be patient with me! I promise I'm trying my best to get to all of them!
As for rules, anything regarding the following will be automatically deleted:
i will not write anything meant to condone, fetishize, or romanticize incest, pedophilia, grooming, or rape/sexual assult. I will not write anything like this, period. I flatout refuse to write something that makes it seem like any of those things are morally right or are desirable and attractive.
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Tumblr - You're here already!
Instagram - Jamison_writestf2trash
Tiktok - Jamisontf2
Youtube: Jamisonmakestf2trash (for edits) Professionaltf2yapper (future long form content!)
BlueSky - jamisontf2.bsky.social
Twitch - Jamisonwritestf2trash
Carrd.co - Jamison's Carrd!
Discord - jamisonwritestf2trash
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Bigots in general
Conservatives/ Republicans
Transphobia Deniers
You are not welcome here. You will be blocked.
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If you made it this far, you must really like me. Would you please sign my petition? I promise its worth it :)
Go on...you know you want to.
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bendy-analog-horror-au · 10 months ago
Sorry if this is lengthy but I have a few questions actually I really wanna ask regarding this Bendy series [feel free to answer this privately btw since I know its mostly discord-related talk n long]
Do you ever think you'll maybe make tutorials on how to create 3D models and animations the way you do? I would kill to learn how you do it or get a closer look at them. Your ability to put rubberhose n cartoony flair into 3D is amazing and so inspiring to me, it's exactly what I strive to learn how to do right now as I learn Blender n such. Particularly those amazing ink demon walk cycles you showed off are the exact kind of animations I would love to learn more about. Such a beautiful blend of cartoony and creepy honestly.
Would you ever allow downloads of ur assets/models? I understand if not, just wondering because like I said I'd love to examine them to learn more on how you build such an amazing style in 3D. Esp with like rigging n such being such a mystery to me right now.
You have mentioned I believe that you wanted to one day make a fan-game based off this series. Are you looking for people to help with that or discuss that with yet? I am currently making my own super ambitious Bendy Fan-Game right now and am learning Unity to do so. So I'd be excited at the chance to help with that since I'm such a fan of ur work. I understand if that's more of a future thing though KJDHFGKJHDFGKJHSD
Are you working on any other Bendy-related projects right now? If not are u interested in that sort of thing? Or are you more focused on ur own projects which I totally understand. It's just like I mentioned I'd love any tutorials or tips on how you create such lovely animations but esp bc they are the style of animations I would love to be able to create for my game. I'd take any chance to learn more. Apologies for this being so long, probably should've been a discord dm but I felt like sending this on Discord out of the blue would've been really intimidating KJHDFKGJHDFKGJHSD. Sorry if this is hard to answer I've really wanted to ask these sorts of things for a while ever since I saw a lot of ur stuff over Discord but I overthink everything n felt nervous asking without knowing if u actually wanted questions over this series or not. [This is cobaltcreations btw we've talked a few times on the JDS Server, love love love ur stuff!!]
I’ve wanted to do tutorials for a long time now, probably a few years at this point. Unfortunately, I’ve been kinda stuck on where to start with something like that. Thanks for the compliments, though! I have a thing for rubberhose monsters. =)
I don’t really plan to put anything up for release until the series is done (that is if I don’t put it in a fan game first). I do end up doing a lot of model analysis to see how some models are done, though. It really helps me to optimize them for animation.
Speaking of fan-games, I at the very least HOPE that I can make a Bendy Analog Horror game in the near future, but I’ve no idea what it would focus on (I had wanted to do a remake of Chapter 1, but we all know what happened to Moving Pictures: Redrawn. =\).
I am working on a couple of one-off smaller projects—mostly music projects and song covers and have nothing to do with the analog horror series. I’d love to work with more people on their own projects though, but unfortunately, my schedule hasn’t been very reliable as of lately. XP
Lastly, you’re free to DM me any questions you have on Discord. I love talking about these sorts of things! ^^
- Roux
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a-very-tired-raven · 2 years ago
Okay, since ive been getting a lot of love for my ary lately, id like to give you guys some top ary blogs ive followed for years, that i feel they dont get enough love.
Keep in mind that these are not in order from best to least, just in numbered order to make things easy.
(Another thing! While i may have found the majority of these blogs from undertale content, i need you to understand that a lot of these either dont do undertale art as frequently as they used to, or not at all. So please dont go in expecting that these are all undertale blogs based on MY intrests. Thank you.)
1. @springbon-t-art /@thecoolerspringbon-t has WONDERFUL roundhouse like style, and her fanart and characters range from all over(cuphead and bendy and the ink machine are just two examples, she has so much more unrecognized works and animatics on youtube that i think deserves much more love)
2. @twitchydoodle i havent visted this wonderful blog in a while, but i have followed for a good time(lets just say for a few years lol) so i cant say for sure what art is posted there at this moment, HOWEVER, i CAN say that twitchy has a Breathtaking art style, and has some of the most interesting and fleshed out ocs!!! Definitely check em out!
3. @calcium-cat i know cals been gettin a little bit more attention over the last year or so, but i still think she deserves much more recognition for her art. She has wonderful and thought out fanfics, not to mention the funny and well drawn fanart she posts for them!
4. @glitchysquidd I dont pop in as often as i used to, but glitchy's blog is one ive looked up to for a while. Here you can find very well written fnaf fics and fanart, chill energ(not to mention hilarious shenanigans),and a very unique and distinct artstyle.(seriously broski ive used your art for reference so many time 😭🤚🏽-). I suggest you guys head down to the basement and enjoy the tour.
5. @meatygutsy oh gee where do i even start- this blog has some of the most unique and well thought out ocs i think ive seen in a very long time. The artstyle here and style of coloring and shading is like nothing else. All of the colors pop and go together just right, not to mention the well fleshed out backstorys of each character.
6.@glaucus22 while this blog certainly isnt as active as it used to be, this is yet another artist that ive used as reference for countless times. They have a very distinct artstyle, and put much thought into their characters and their lore. I highly recommend going through the art tags here and taking a peek, along with a reblog or two!!!
7. @ijustwannahavefunn another blog with VERY well thought out and styled ocs, and a to die for artstyle. I also recommend checkjng out their youtube channel, which has VERY smooth animations and animatics. Definitely a hidden gem.
8. @vrnicky is a very good friend of mine that is WAY WAY WAY too unrecognized. They dont get NEARLY enough love for the anount of love and hard work they out into their characters and art. Please show em some love for me!!!
9. @loupy-mongoose is a favorite pokemon ary blog of mine. While you might find mostly mewtwo and mew stuff, please know that this is because of this creators mewtwo comic. You may know what im takling about if you know about similar more popular blogs (@/xxtc-96xx @/mewtwoandme and more ) but what separates this blog from many others is their very very different story, and an artstyle that'll put you at ease. Not to mention unique and well thought out mew and mewtwo designs.
And lastly, for now at least ,10. @whiteartblood an art blog that i havent visted in a couple months. This creator has some of the best undertale art i swear. One of my favorite styles!! A very lovely and instantly recognizable artstyle(that again, i have used for reference...i dont even know how many times), and even better ocs.
Now i know there are so many more blogs that are deserving of recognition, but its late and i cant look up 50 usernames at the moment.
However, while you are not obligated to, I sincerely hope you go show these guys some love(and reblogs!!!!!!!) For me. These guys have been a very big influence on my art, artists ive looked up to for YEARS now, and luckly for me some of them even being friends of mine, which im so very thankful for.
Ill definitely be making another post like this, with more writing inclusion and even more deeply hidden gems that require some digging.
I apologize for any typos that are unfortunately guaranteed as thats kind've what im known for lmao <- has made a fool of herself countless times) and i cant help but feel nervous that these talented people will see them, but know ive done the best ive can.
Thank you, and have a great time everyone!
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bootycallofcthulhu · 1 year ago
I haven't really engaged with a whole lot of fandom stuff aside from just liking fan art/memes on here and twitter. Anything beyond that is usually just not within my boundaries because this old man still has war flashbacks from superwholock and homestuck (and also danganronpa but thats a whole other can of worms).
But I especially don't really talk comics with people because they're usually just the most gatekeepy motherfuckers and I can't vibe with that. All I can ever think of is the guy in college at best buy, looking for a mythical 3ds port of Undertale that was never announced who immediately ended a conversation and walked away because I thought the GotG movie was mid. I didn't even say I disliked it. I just said it was fine.
For the most part, that hasn't really changed and the introduction of Miles Morales kind of just made it worse (read: racist). Back at A&M, there was a hispanic heritige group in the student union that were having a study session around the time Miles started getting better story arcs (a few years before secret wars for those of you familiar with his comics). I as a mixed hispanic guy was pretty into it, despite Bendis not really having an identity for Miles just yet. This group of dudes called it pandering (which like, yeah could be valid who am i to tell the otherwise but they were also asked by someone if they even read it and they just said nah Mexican spider-man is dumb theres only one) which was about the tamest I ever heard it get because man if you ever go on twitter and say Miles Morales is Spider-Man, you run into some people really desperate to prove theyre not racist by getting really racist.
And to be completely honest, I have never seen that community agree on a damn thing until the current run of Spider-Man when MJ got married to some dude named Paul and stayed with him after their lives turned out to be fake or something idk I'm still catching up, but its one of the funniest things to see from the outside.
But then the previews for Ultimate Spider-Man #1 dropped a few months ago. Great art, an adult, married Peter Parker with a whole new dynamic. I preordered this issue 2 months ago, everyone, reviewer and reader alike loved this take. It was the second time I've ever seen anyone in this space agree on something.
But my local shop forgot to include mine. I was pretty bummed, because I ordered it months ago, didnt show up day 1 and my issue was gone due to a database error. Then the cashier looked at me, said hold on, went back and grabbed one of his own personal issues, readded it to the inventory and sold it to me.
Now, its not uncommon for people to buy one issue to read, one to preserve. He will probably get reimbursed. But he didn't have to. He acfually could have sold it for a tidy profit since its around $60 USD on ebay right now. His only reason was I looked like a fan. And honestly this stupid community needs more people like him.
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story-narrator · 2 months ago
This is a blog for a story I'm currently working on for AO3. I'm not that far along in it so far, but still.
I plan to do a reset soon. Right now I am going to be working on the backstories/au's for each fandom.
I hope you can forgive me for taking so long with this, it's a big project.
When I started this project, I had another story which I burnt myself out on. Because of burning myself out so hard, it's made it hard for me to write again.
With the new year though, I hope to actually do better for the story.
With that out the way, what is the story about? It's about 8 fandoms I really like meeting one another.
If you know of the game 6 by @cacartoon this story is inspired by them. I had part of the idea beforehand but after seeing the game 6 I actually got to working on it to show others.
There will be the main heroes that are there from the beginning (some being more antiheroes due to their background) some will ofc be villains, but some villains are redeemable with time.
In the beginning it'll be unbalanced, then slowly it gets more balanced.
The fandoms for the story is tagged, but I'll still say.
There's Five Nights at Freddy's, Dayshift at Freddy's, Bendy and the Dark Revival, Cuphead, Undertale, Detroit Become Human, Portal, and The Stanley Parable.
Ofc these are au's, they are not cannon. This story was basically started before I saw theories for ruin and right around when BATDR came out, so many things are just au or just me having fun with it.
I am not a comic book artist even if I do draw, so I settled for writing, though I will have it as an ask series too. I like to involve the viewer/reader when I can.
There will be asks from here on Tumblr too, here it'll probably be smaller things that won't effect the story that's shown in the blog, and might be drawn too.
I might make a community for the book if we get more followers on here. It's still in its early phases though so probably there won't be much traction.
With this new year I'll draw the characters more as I develop them too. I have just switched to a new phone, so I need to get my stuff from my laptop.
So, simply put, there's a restart happening. I will be posting more art of the characters too. I will try and give non-spoiled updates. And ofc, feel free to send asks.
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limestoner · 1 year ago
Laughing uncontrollably at the character names in LGIO’s playthrough of Meeple Station.
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I like to stim on videos that have vocal intonation that I like. I’ll dip in for the stim lines, wander, have some Bubblegum OG, recite more stim lines.
Stim lines sounds like something that is in urban dictionary. siiiiiiigh
I checked and it isn’t. Great! I mean stim lines are lines spoken in a movie or show with intonations that hit my ears just right. It feels good to recite them along with the original. In my ears, in my brain, in my mouth, in my body. If that sounds orgasmic, that’s because it almost is. It’s a rare state of physical synchrony of sensations. No anxiety.
Oh god. It feels good to hear and speak, but it is so hard to listen and express.
I need to know the audio. I need to control the audio. I need to be able to jump in and dip out based on how I feel internally, whether or not it fits within the conversation. Like mid sentence, speaking or listening, I just need to be done, walk away. Destimulate.
Usually I’m a sensory avoider rather than a sensory seeker. But I seek for synchronizing my voice to the original voice saying the words in the intonation that I like. It’s extremely similar to how I feel about spicy food. I don’t like bland food. Like I’ll eat it and never complain, but it’s not my favorite. I like a medium-hot level of spicy with bountiful pepper and herbs and spices. But if the food is too spicy and it’s physically uncomfortable you can’t enjoy it. So I’ll take bland food over too hot. And don’t get me started on temperature hot!
Tasty! Tasty! Tasty!
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I like a medium level of hearing and talking, but don’t understand or sync up with the conversation rhythm. It takes me too long to process what the person really means because I’m stuck in all the sounds.
I think it helps me hear sounds new to me in other languages because that is what my brain prioritizes.
When I have ear infections, not being able to hear on one side makes me feel unbalanced. Not in the vestibular system sense, but because the patterns of sounds in the environment aren’t balanced between my two sides. I’m not sure which side is heavier: blocked or healthy ear.
I’d love to have MRI scans done to see if this is what’s going on. I think a lot of people with autism who are thought to be “nonverbal” but make sounds are in fact saying words that are unintelligible due to motor speech problems. Gestalt Language Processors (GLP).
I always knew that my life was easier than it would have been if I wasn’t able to speak the way I do. I never had difficulty with motor speech though motor skills for the rest of me are a different story so everything I said sounded pretty good, because it was cobbled together chunks of audio that I had heard and sensed that “fit” the context in some way.
The level of precision with which I have to have and in real time, and how much to keep up with its like trying to build a railroad with an oncoming train. But I have to do it! There are expectations, you see. People usually expect small talk topics. Polite conversation. The content and and implications are critically important. I bond with people over stim lines. When I hang out with my friend and do that, it’s the happiest feeling ever.
If an autistic person makes a sound, especially a repeated one, try making it with them. It’s comforting. More comforting than asking, “Are you okay?” The shared sound feels like “I’m with you.” Not a song. Just regular words.
I guess you could say that’s my hobby. Reciting stim lines and walking around all weird and bendy. Though according to George Carlin, “it’s not a hobby. Hobbies cost money; interests are free.” I could go for some George Carlin stim lines. From his stand up and from Shining Time Station.
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Love this so much 😭 See if DC was smart they'd pull out the forgotten plot Tynion set up with Tim heading off to college. I know exactly how I would set it up too... We start out with Tim and Dick teaming up in Bludhaven, catching each other up on their lives. The conversation turns towards Tim feeling a bit aimless, both as Robin (with Damian's return and the general calming of the chaos in Gotham and with Bruce) and as Tim (seeing as he... has like no proper civilian life). Dick and him have had this conversation a few times but this time Dick presses a bit harder. "Remember how you were gonna go to college, what happened with that?" Well, what happened was Bendis and editorial, but what happened in comics was Tim and Steph decided to get Tim's lost memories back, and then he ended up finding Young Justice again, and Kon and Bart came back, and they went on some crazy adventures and... basically being superhero and the multiverse got in the way.
After Tim gives all his excuses, Dick would encourage him that maybe it is time to try college out and maybe it is time to try out a new identity, something that was his like Nightwing was Dick's. "Try a new color maybe, Blackbird kinda has a good ring to it."
And Tim would say he'd think about it and he'd go home and he'd look around his dumb little boat and the fact that all his friends from highschool were off doing stuff with their lives, including his boyfriend, and here he was, doing the same thing he did as a teenager and man his dad and mom and Dana would be so disappointed. So without much thought he applies to a million schools with no real idea of where he wants to go and when he gets back an acceptance letter for a school a few hours away and, oh its the school Dana graduated from and he tells them yes... and he hasn't talked to anyone about it, hasn't told Bernard or Bruce but even though he thinks it might just be a stupid idea he's going to regret the next day, it makes him feel just a little bit like he has a purpose again, just like he did when he gave that speech to Batman all those years ago. And so he calls Dick, and he tells him that maybe Blackbird does have a little bit of a ring to it.
And then he goes to college, and he and Bernard try long distance, which we all know won't work, and he finds himself taking on a couple cults, joining a skateboarding club, doing the school newspaper where he runs into a bunch of the stuff Blackbird has to take on and his college town is confused about what they did to get their own vigilante and why those former Young Justice people are showing up on occasion.
Just saying, DC, this could easy be Tim for the next like... decade cause time doesn't move right for ya'll and he would probably be in college forever with that course load above.
What major do u think tim would be in?🤔 i have a few options in mind, like archaelogy, mechanical engineering or even psychology, but havent been able to settle for any of them
Tim is that one kid who changes his major every semester for the first two years because he can't decide on what he wants to do, takes a gap year in the middle of his degree to go hiking in Albania, and then comes back and graduates with a double major and a minor with a solid B average because he decided if he couldn't choose one thing to do, he'll just do it all, and then got overloaded while trying to finish because nothing he picked has any overlapping reqs.
In my mind, he starts off in business because "it's the major my dad would have wanted me to pick", switches to computer science after a serious come to jesus talk with his advisor because it's what he thinks he's interested in, and then finally lands on mechanical engineering after he sits down and realizes he only actually likes doing computer stuff for fun and Robining and not as an actual job. He ends up coupling the engineering degree with a double major in sports medicine and a minor in photography.
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dearcraziness · 2 years ago
Chapter 78.
On one of the cloudy days, the devils were spending their time at home in a measured way - Bendy was twisting pipes in the Spare tools Room, Lara was reading a new issue of the Ink City News in her room. Raindrops were slowly rolling down the glass of the slightly open window ; moisture from outside brought freshness and clean summer air. The noise outside the window delighted the ear with its monotony and rhythmicity, gently enveloping the mind with iridescent, luminous thoughts.
The young man closed the door, paving the way to his beloved with his gaze. The wizard entered quietly, approaching the desk. He conjured himself a second pair of hands, so that he could hug the girl; support the magazine she was looking at from behind; gently stroke the tip of her ponytail; run his palms through her hair, gently twisting long curls in turn on a huge finger.
"Have you found some interesting news for yourself, cinnamon?" the demon asked, warmly kissing the imp on the cheek and forehead. "Looks like you have plans to visit a new place - I see a ray of delight in your eyes."
"That's right, ginger, a boutique with fashionable clothes and stylish dresses in Western Edge will open in a week." the demoness smiled. "I'm thinking of going there to see the outfits."
"Great, I'll keep you company. By the way, about future plans..." the devil looked away, continuing his thought. "Do you remember, we were choosing holiday houses and found a wonderful option for ourselves: five rooms, two bathrooms, a spacious but cozy kitchen, a small living room, a spacious attic - and all in calm colours! A well-maintained terrace and a beautiful garden, turning immediately into a dense dense forest... On the other side of the house there's a veranda with indoor plants, a small glam-style building, completely glazed. Berry, shall we go to the 'Green Oasis' for a couple of weeks?"
"I'd love to spend time alone with you, nut." Lara raised her eyes, meeting Bendy's gaze. "Let's not waste a minute."
"I take you at your word!... An unforgettable journey awaits us, because every day with you, like a holiday, brings a sea of vivid impressions and precious memories..."
A couple of hours later, when Bendy prepared dinner in advance for friends left in the studio, the devils said goodbye to Boris and Alice and moved into the dimension of Ever-Blooming Plants. Sweethearts were observing the accommodation and were very satisfied with the interior in warm colours and brilliant furnishings. The young man and the girl, being in home clothes, remained in the small bedroom located on the right side of the corridor. Opposite the bed hung an ordinary widescreen TV, which the demon soon turned on; a movie was shown on the channel "Romance Forever", which interested the wizards, but soon caused mixed emotions with its twisted plot. Lara heard a funny quick dissatisfied murmur of her beloved and smiled.
"I don't understand, first Dylan meets with Jessica, then confesses his feelings to Marissa and says he has been in love with her for a long time... What's going on, anyway? Moreover, the characters are so frivolous about each other, as if this should make someone laugh. I know everyone has their own preferences, but is it really difficult to make a film about sincere feelings, touching love at least once in ten years? Where the characters, first of all, think about the well-being of their beloved and really worry about each other. But it turns out otherwise - solid comedies with strange humor - I don't even see a single funny episode, only attempts to joke. Simply put, it's all nonsense. Garbage."
The demon noticed the girl's soft laugh and smiled himself, stroking his precious head, her torso.
"Perhaps I'm reacting too emotionally to the behavior of others again..."
"It's okay, I'm always curious to know your opinion..."
"So do I, Laurie... And I suppose you would have watched the show on another channel."
"Yeah, let's see what sports are being played on the third channel..."
"What if football is being shown... It would be great to see the game live somehow, of course..."
The darkness of the night covered the forest wilderness, only the edge of the moon, emerging from under the clouds, illuminated the paths between trees and bushes. The lights went out in the bedroom, a peaceful silence reigned in the house.
The next morning, Bendy was putting the dish on plates and noticed Lara coming in and sitting down, waiting for goodies. Although, there was something missing in her pajamas... The demon blushed, cautiously asking, "Peony, shall I get you some shorts?... You probably feel cold without them."
"No thanks, I didn't wear them on purpose."
"Alright, just asked you in case you forgot..." the young man's voice sounded somewhat shaky.
The demon looked down and smiled nervously.
"You know, seeing you practically in your underwear feels like a privilege..."
"Good... I am pleased - when we are alone, you don't wear your magic costume..."
"Only you know how suits and other clothes look on me without the magical small transformations of my body... I have nothing to hide from you..."
"I understand now why you hide some parts of your body with magic..." Lara said, glancing below Bendy's waist and shifting her eyes to the side. The imp abruptly moved his lips, fidgeting in his chair trying to gather his thoughts into legible sentences.
"The main thing is that we always have a great time together; whether we are embarrassed in front of each other or not, we are equally comfortable, because you and I are able to talk even about awkward topics... Laurie, let me add : you constantly delight, surprise, attract, inspire me unimaginably... Whether you are dressed in sportswear or an evening dress, a bathrobe covers your whole body or you walk in underwear - you're incredibly beautiful and alluring to me in any case, you're very seductive and sexy, my honey miracle..."
"Finally, after seven years, you began to linger with your eyes not only on my face..."
"I just used to think it was impossible to look at the other parts of your body... But recently you convinced me the opposite..."
"I do this sometimes, why can't you?..."
"I was worried I'd make you uncomfortable or seem cheeky..."
"Don't worry, none of the above happened..."
"I also don't mind at all when you look at different parts of my body... Every piece of me belongs to you, whether it's my flesh or heart, soul..."
"After such catchy phrases, I won't be able to express my embarrassing sentence, well, it's okay..." the demoness hastily smiled.
"No, no, fishy, your words will only strengthen the warm mood of our conversation; the ideal moment to tell about your thoughts is the one in which your thoughts appeared... What were you thinking about, Laura?..."
"It just flashed through my head..."
"Yes, emerald?..."
"Even through your shorts, I can see your reproductive organ is quite long..."
"Oh, h-hope when we get intimate in the future, it'll give you pleasure... Damn, I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry if I embarrassed you, dear..."
"Why?... I like to listen to your thoughts... There's nothing to apologize for, I like your words..."
"I just meant I like to give you happiness in different ways... I want to do with you what you want, fill your every day with bright emotions..."
The day of sweethearts proceeded smoothly and comfortably; Bendy and Lara happily and enthusiastically engaged in the usual creative activities, playing board games, solving a couple of puzzles; however, when evening came, a burning desire penetrated into the hearts to give each other pleasant feelings in a different way; putting aside collections of crosswords and sudoku, the devils began to caress each other with their lips, lying on the bed; the demon hugged his beloved gently and tightly, she was stroking his head and horns...
"My lovely flower, let me leave traces of kisses not only on your mesmerizing face... I want to cover your whole fascinating body with kisses... In the places where you allow me, of course..."
Later, sweethearts finished their drawins, praising each other, as usual, and gathered to walk along the inviting green paths with amazing nature; Bendy took a small box out of the drawer of the bedside table and, hiding the gift behind his back, approached Lara with the words, "Baby, before we go to explore the impressive landscapes of the dense forest, may I ask you one question?..."
"Of course, my ruby, go ahead..."
"We have spent so many years together, and I consider all the years of my life the best thanks to you... Probably, even after saying 'thank you' millions of times, I won't sufficiently describe my appreciation and admiration for you... I love absolutely everything about you: your behavior, your character, your habits, your opinion, your spiritual qualities, your sensitive heart, your irresistible appearance, your coal eyes full of miracles... But most of all I love you just for being who you are, I adore your magical personality... Stay true to yourself and your preferences, my comet, all your friends will be here to support you; I'm forever your most ardent fan... I wish to share eternity with you, go through every stage of our relationship and please you day after day, fulfilling your cherished dreams; you and your happiness are my priority, your smile illuminates the meaning of my destiny... I'm grateful to you simply for your existence; I'm glad to write the pages of our history with you... And so I decided to find out if you would like to..."
The imp swallowed sharply, bending the fingers of his free right hand, and continued, "Laura, would you like to... Be my fiancee?..."
The young man presented a gift at the moment, opening a cream case in front of his beloved; inside, on a little pillow, lay a smooth bracelet made of white gold with pendants: each figure reflected the interests of the girl, hobbies close to her soul. The imp looked at the decoration in surprise and, smiling good-naturedly, replied, "Of course, Bendy... I will be your fiancee..."
"Glad you accepted my offer, my little devil... Let me put a bracelet on your elegant wrist..."
The demoness stretched out her arm, bent at the elbow; the wizard placed the jewelry and kissed his beloved's hand.
"You will mean everything to me endlessly, Laurie... I strive to constantly turn your plans into reality..."
"Thank you, Bendie... I noticed the details on the wonderful bracelet reflect my hobbies, I really appreciate your observation and your care..."
"You know, my little mermaid, my key desire is to warm your soul, to evoke warm emotions in you; I intend to give you even more love, attention, affection, sensitivity; take everything I have, because I only want the best for you..."
"Believe me, my dear, you are enough for me... I think we have an amazingly spectacular future together..."
"You're completely right, my dearest, don't even doubt what has been said..."
"It turns out you are..."
"Yes, moonlight?... Please continue..."
"Will you ask me to marry you soon?..."
"Oh, sugar, of course, I plan to ask your hand in marriage, but not in the near future... I'll ask you the marvelous question earlier, if you wish... I think we both need to reflect a little on the proximity of the moment of our wedding..."
"I don't mind if we slightly postpone the date... I hope we understood each other correctly..."
"Definitely, honey, I'm not rushing you at all... No need to hurry - there is an eternity ahead of us... Are you ready for our miraculous journey, raspberry?..."
"Right, orange, let's go..."
"I'll certainly take a picture of you against the background of picturesque landscapes... I won't miss the chance to capture your brilliant beauty..."
The path turned out to be excellent: the devils saw a lot of fantastic plants, fabulous animals, magnificent birds, glorious rocks on their way; on the same day, the young man filled the album with new photos and, together with his beloved, examined the moments of the past day remained in numerous pictures.
"And here, behind you, multicoloured caihongs flew by, leaving a pinkish trail with a flap of their wings..." the demon pointed to the upper right corner. "Oh, a wide rainbow in the sky got into the frame, great..."
"We saw enchanting places..."
"They have become even more wondrous, because you were walking on them, sweetie... Your attraction spreads its rays to the nearest objects..."
"I love your compliments, my sugarpie..."
"I love you very much, vanilla..."
Bendy bent down and began to kiss Lara on the top of her head, on her temple, on her nose, on her closed eyes, on her cheeks, on her chin, on her lips. She smiled, and his face lit up with joy.
"I'd like you to put hickeys on my body again... And I'd do that on yours..."
"S-since you don't mind, dear, we'll repeat last night's activity... Love touching you with my lips, hugging you for a long time..."
The devils were kisding each other with their mouths slightly open, hotly, but carefully, trying to convey their affection, tenderness. The traces of love stained the bodies of sweethearts, their faces, even their tails with dark spots; the honey sensation grew on a grand scale, as if accelerating the hands on the clock...
Suddenly a phone call rang. Bendy, without stopping kissing Lara, extended his right hand and turned off the sound of the melody on his device.
"What if something important happened..." the girl suggested.
"Nothing can be more important than you and your desires, love..." the demon replied, again surrounding the girl's waist with both hands, twisting his arms around the body, legs of the imp in the form of a spiral in a magical way. The end of his tail was gently stroking her little tip, which was lying on the amethyst bed. "Let the world wait..."
The devils tuned in to continue the conceived ideas, but they were again prevented by the signal of Lara's mobile. The dark-haired lady picked up the phone and said, "Yes, Alice?... Is there any trouble in the studio by any chance?..."
"Oh, no, no, it's okay." the angel's voice rang out. "Boris and I are looking for boxes with decorative crafts, we assumed you took them last time..."
"Hmm, I don't remember their location..." the girl confessed.
"They are in the second small warehouse..." the young man said quietly, but audibly for the sorceress, continuing to touch with his lips and tongue the areas of the beloved's skin, uncovered by clothes.
"That's right, they're in the second small warehouse." Laura answered her interlocutor on the phone. "Good luck with your crafts."
"Thanks. Hey, aren't you busy right now?..."
"In general, we were going to devote the evening to a special kind of creativity..." the imp began, and the demon smiled when he heard her words.
"I wanted to take just a couple of minutes..." said the brunette with a halo over her head.
"I just have a few minutes... Bendy and I still have urgent business to attend to..." the edges of the girl's lips lifted higher after the end of the phrase ; a wide smile spread across the young man's face.
The demoness was talking with her friend about her future plans for adventures in fashion clothing boutiques, or rather, for the most part, she was listening to Alice's intentions to visit almost every fashion house in Verssia and Glabgon. The demon was kissing his beloved hotly, lovingly, sitting over her, bending his knees and tightly wrapping her in his caring embrace. He felt her pulse; his head was so close to her that when he listened, he noticed the steady beating of her heart; his horns were right next to her neck - he admired her calm and imperturbable voice; stroking her forearm with his palm, he stopped his fingers, and for a moment it seemed to him as if he felt the movement of ink through her veins, which he didn't even see with his eyes...
The demon watched the expression of the beloved's face and after ten minutes found out she clearly wanted to end the conversation, because the thought of kissing clearly possessed her. The young man approached the imp's face and whispered in her ear, "Tell her it's time for you to go, otherwise you won't have time to finish the things you started today, or you're going to carry out all the planned activities and arrange an evening of creativity, something like that..."
Lara smiled, covering the demon's lips with her finger. The devil kissed her phalanges, hand, palm, wrist, moving to other parts of her body, as the girl removed her hand, dropping it on a soft pillow, where she was met by a huge imp's hand, gently stroking the sorceress's palm, then firmly, lovingly tsking her hand.
"Okay, Alice, I have to go... Once when I'm back, we'll definitely visit all the planned places, agreed?..."
"Oh, of course, see you soon..."
"Bye, good luck to you..."
The demoness clicked the 'end of conversation' icon, intended to put the phone back in place, however, the young was faster, carefully took the device from her hands and returned it to the bedside table.
"Finally we are truly alone..." the demon said.
"I like to talk to Alice, but right now my thoughts aren't about shopping or new clothes at all..." Lara said.
"I don't understand why it was necessary to call to discuss the purchase of new outfits?... You would have come back, and you would have had a great live conversation..."
"Apparently, she wanted to share her ideas as soon as possible..."
"Now no one will distract us for sure..."
Closer to midnight, sweethearts managed to stop covering each other with kisses, they were sharing their feelings from the past evening. Bendy was hugging the girl tightly, she relaxed her hands into a lock, resting her head on the young man's chest.
Soon, when Lara looked at her hands, she saw a pretty detail on her palms.
"Judging by your smile, cupcake, you liked the traces of kisses in the form of hearts..."
"Even here you show creativity..."
"How else, Larry?... You're the very embodiment of art..."
"I understand, dear, you like to compliment me..."
"Your unsurpassed inner and outer attractiveness deserve reverent and constant attention, sapphire... You're the only beautiful creature for me..."
After a minute Bendy added, "Kissing you is always so astonishing in a good way, as if for the first time... Your hickeys really excite my mind, even right now..."
"I'd love to continue our kissing, but..."
"Are you tired and you want to sleep?... Then, of course, caramel, let's go to rest..."
Bendy fluffed up a pillow for his beloved and, covering her with a blanket, kissed her on the forehead.
"Sweet dreams to you, fruitcake..."
"Good night, marshmallow..."
"Tomorrow we'll definitely have unforgettable, breathtaking moments..."
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just-bendy · 2 years ago
If there were more than one of our good little toon friend Bendy, how much mischief do you think they could get into? Or if not just two, but three- or four.... How many Bendy's would be too many?
Feel like society would collapse with more than just one of him, too much stunning demon for any sane person to handle in one room /j
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Oh, but there WAS more of me, way more! It was a blast! Yeah, all the way back in the studio, me and a few other Bendys teamed up and formed our own group we called "The Ink Devils!" There were about six of us, and we had our own nicknames since we didn't wanna be called by our numbers. I ain't tellin' ya what my name was, so don't cha ask! None of us went by "Bendy," and that's all I'm tellin ya. There were Specs, Grumps, Mouthless, Loafer (sometimes we called him Shoe!), Rat, and me. We had a lotta fun beatin' up ink monsters, prankin' ink people, gatherin' food, and makin' our sanctuary, but of course, they eventually got taken one by one. I miss them a lot, but I do visit their ink puddle sometimes!
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herrscherofsentence · 2 years ago
summary; Your Father is Samuel “Sammy” Lawrence, he went missing one day and was never seen since so you chose to go to the old studio he used to work at and was the last place he was seen.
•(Platonic) Samuel “Sammy” Lawrence and Male reader
•Pronouns mainly used: You/Yours & he/him
pt. 2 - 『♤〜』
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Joey Drew Studio.
The place your father was last seen, of what you remember your father was becoming all crazy, going on long talks about some kind of Ink Demon, a Lord. You missed him but you missed the old him, the part of him that didn’t obsess over a Ink Demon. A sigh left you, opening the door to the old studio it looked different, it was a long time since you were at the studio but it was yellow and cartoon-like, you wanted to leave but you needed answers. “I should start in the music department..” you murmured, slowly making your way through the studio, something ended up catching your eye,stopping you in your tracks. It looked like a horror house but it was just a single room, there was six podiums but five objects. One of the objects was missing. The picture above showed a book, you thought about not getting the book but again you needed answers so you found the book as well an axe, your hand was shaking as it was wielding the axe. Your put the book on its podium and without you doing anything else a sound of a machine running up, producing a powerful noice. Other from the noise it was also producing ink, as well ink filled the room. Fear took over you so you ran but stairs you didn’t see before showed themselves and you fell right into them and the door closed behind you.
Great, now you were in pain basically your whole body was swore but you managed dragging your body up to see the stairs,every time you moved your body it ached more and another door was there, you opened it.
“Some injuries later and the music department shows itself..” you sighed, gripping the axe tighter “where are you dad?” you asked yourself, you started getting slightly hungrydespite not knowing if it was still good you had ate some bean soup. The aftertaste wasn’t good but it was food, after opening and closing doors you found your old man’s office it still had the way he smelt in it still, it was welcoming in a way and you felt like the little middle schooler who had to go into the office if he forgot his house key.
You sept a good while in that office before something grabbed your attention, there was this figure completely made of ink, it had on overall. It had a bendy mask on and holding an axe you quickly hid under the desk,the axe next to your shaking body while you covered your mouth, hoping the figure wouldn’t come in the room, it came in. It walked straight to the desk,kneeling down you were face-to-face with it, it looked like it was going to do something to you but stopped in its tracks it was going to say something but it changed last minute, “Why do you look..familiar?” It said sternly, your eyes widened at the voice it sounded like Sammy’s,your father’s voice. Your hand went towards the ink blob, touching its hand “What happened to you, dad?.” after you said that it seemed to have changed its whole demeanor,got up and walked away.
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fae-morrigan · 6 months ago
Here's a comment: This is all the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my entire life.
But since you wanna do this... Sure! Lets do this.
First of all, I genuinely have no idea where in gods name you got the idea that Jon's trauma has just gone unaddressed for the last five years. Have you, like, been in a coma?
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Come on. What, do you need it spelled out for you? Do you need Jon to turn, look at the camera and go, "I'm traumatized and coping with it weirdly!" Please. Comics are still stories that deserve the respect of being read with your brain on. Show them that respect. We've BEEN getting the "hints."
And speaking as someone who DOES have c-ptsd... Its an entirely accurate depiction. Frankly, way more accurate to that kind of long-term trauma than him... laser beaming the ceiling????
On that point, second of all: Yes, it would've killed Bendis to immediately delve into Jon's trauma the second he got home. You yourself bring up the idea of Jon putting on the mask of being a happy teenager in order to make the people around him happy. Hate to break it to you, you didn't come up with that. That's canon.
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Whole arc in Action Comics about it, too. I'll say it till i'm blue, PUT SOME RESPECT ON PHILLIP KENNEDY JOHNSONS NAME!
Also, do you know what pacing is? Or like, how a narrative functions?
I've made the point before that simply going right into the Trauma stuff after it all went down would've ruined Jon's chance at ever being anything more than a trauma prop for Clark & Lois. And I have since been consistently validated in that, considering Jon's story is now about him and who HE is, instead of him being damselled whenever Clark needs a man-pain moment or whenever Lois needs to be a momma bear, the way people seem to desperately miss for reasons that are BEYOND me.
Jon's got an extended cast beyond Damian and Clois, now. He's allowed to be the center of his own narrative, not simply just a prop for other people. We see how he changes and learns and asserts himself, and come to understand why. If they had gone directly into the Ultraman stuff after it happened, that wouldn't have been possible, because we wouldn't have first established who Jon Kent is outside of his pain.
Jon's not a side character anymore. He's a protagonist. And that comes with certain things you HAVE to do as a writer AND a reader before you can get to the good stuff.
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Third of all: Your idea is frankly way worse than what we got, and I HATED Legion 2019. Playing further into Imra's mischaracterization at the hands of Bendis so you can uplift a male character that DOES NOT NEED the uplifting you're doing is pretty damn misogynistic. It also doesn't even make sense for what Bendis DID tell you about her, that' she's just a) misguided and b) passionate. Women are more than your props for a man's pain. But also, in what universe would Clark & Lois agree to that?! Look, I'm one to critique Clark's parenting, but that's just CARTOONISHLY out of character.
Fourth of all: It has been thirty years and they've still not addressed the fact that Kon is a victim of CSA and grooming. Jon is actually making great time on 'dealing with trauma'. You don't get to complain that they 'dont deal with it' and then ALSO complain when they FINALLY do it in a way you actually pick up on (when everyone else was WAYYYY ahead of you).
If you're going to condescend to those of us who can read and analyze, you should at least have the decency of your idea being a good one based in any of the established themes that have spanned Jon's whole history. If you can't manage that... don't quit your day job.
Please apologize to What0Smart for leaving this inanity on his post. And apologize to the rest of us for making us read it!
Absolute Power:Superson Previews!!!
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Looks like this comic is gonna be all over the place as Jon goes through his memories but I’m excited for it, I can’t get over Damian’s outfit, based one what we’ve heard it sounds like he’ll make some more appearances throughout.
Also I wonder if Nia is actually dead, I don’t think she is but maybe she’s stuck in Jon’s head for the time being.
Jon being glued to his phone texting Jay is so cute I can’t wait to see them reunite. “They’re telling me to rest” implying he would have gone to pick up Jay if he could lol
Here’s some previews that came from the Nicole and Sina’s social medias!
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It looks very silly in the initial previews but based on the descriptions we’ve gotten so far it’s sounds like it’s gonna get serious and dive into Jon’s trauma.
I’ll keep you all updated when it releases on September 18th!!!
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inkdemonapologist · 3 years ago
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[BatIM Call of Cthulhu Masterpost]
nEW SESSION (summary here!), where there’s been an unexpected development to the music issue and its time to [checks my notes] taLK TO THE PROPHET AND BREAK INTO SUSIE’S APARTMENT??? Also, the Prophet and Joey have made.... a truce(???), Prophet is concerned Sammy isn’t going to stay on task now that music is returning and has left him a sort of alarming note, and Jack is uh, trying to hold, too many things, maybe some things he shouldn’t be holding, Jack please put those things back,
anyway heres a stack of out-of-context quotes from our session under the readmore:
[Sammy is played by me, Joey is played by Boo (inkyvendingmachine), Henry is played by Maf (inkcryptid), Jack is played by Mochi (whatyouwantedmetosee) and Thren (haunted-hijinxer) is our GM!]
[Jack] My favourite thing is, there are so many reasons that Henry could've avoided things that I have no idea WHY Henry isn't affected. [Jack] Like, is he not affected because his art isn't a performance? Is he not affected because he warded his house? Is he not affected because he'S FILLED WITH GLOWING BLOOD?!?
[Jack] He got as far as feeding his cat, and I feel like feeding cat isn't a performance-- [Sammy] Not usually, not unless you sing a song to your cat, which-- [Jack] Awww! [Sammy] -- which, now that I've said that, sounds like something Jack would do actually,
[Sammy] Ohhhh, that's right, Joey just heard some people play some bad notes and start panicking, and then he stood up and passed out, [Jack] Which is probably how Sammy feels every time he hears people mess up music!
[GM] He finds news on the radio, but they’re not talking about that right now. [Joey] What are they talking about? [GM] Something mundane; business or sports or something. [Jack] The, the sportsball team, got a…..uh….. a, a point. Congratulations, sportsball,
[Joey] If the sportscasters sound normal, then Joey is instantly VERY ANGRY.
[Henry] Henry’s not very musically inclined, but he knows some songs, [Sammy] Like, can you hum Twinkle Twinkle Little Star -- [Jack] “Anyway, here’s Wonderwall.”
[Jack] Jack has made a vague list of the kinds of people who seem to be affected. [Jack] There’s also “NOT HENRY?????” with a bunch of question marks in this list.
[GM] He’s told that Peter is out of town for a week. [Jack] Hmm. [Sammy] PETER WHERE ARE YOU GOING? [Jack] Hmmmmmm. [Sammy] Jack, is Peter coming here, to check on you, [Jack] HMMMMMMMMMMMMM,
[Sammy] *exasperated* NPCs Stop Getting Involved In The Occult Challenge [Henry] Stop Getting Involved In The Occult Or Draw 25
[Joey] Peter had never seen a Bendy cartoon, and this needed to be fixed. [Joey] The premier is this weekend, and he sent tickets to Pete to correct this, error, in his ways. [Jack] ...I think it is very slowly dawning on Jack, that this means that Pete has been pulled directly into yet another… supernatural nonsense... [Sammy] WE DIDNT DO THIS ONE!!
[Henry] Oh wait--! oh, no, nevermind, I forgot he and Allison probably aren’t together yet. [Sammy] Yeah, I think they just met; they had a meet-cute where they found out they both like Frankenstein and that’s it. [Jack] They actually got married today, since nothing else was happening at the Studio, [Sammy] That’s why Allison hasn’t shown up, she was busy getting married!
[GM] Bendy might’ve been keeping tabs on Henry, but it depends I guess on how distressed Joey is seeming. [Joey] Joey is probably just going to bury his sorrow in studying magic. [GM] Okay! That’s fine and normal Joey behaviour!
[Sammy] Sammy will note that nothing got done in the music department, because he has good priorities.
[Jack] I like the idea that it’s just like, when the teacher isn’t in, and nobody does the work the substitute teacher gave you, [Jack] Everyone’s just playing pokemon in the back, [GM] I thought you were going to say “poker,” but I like the way you ended the sentence better.
[Jack] HMMMMMM. I wonder if we know, any suspicious women, who were around on that specific day, who are known to have, skill and interest in magical things,  [Joey] And also were aware of the cutouts, [Sammy] *cheerfully* Yeah, weird! Anyway!!!!
[Jack] Sammy was acting weird about Allison. Far too agreeable for a Sammy!
[Sammy] *talking about Prophet* If you want to lock him in somewhere, or restrain him, I’ll cooperate. [Jack] Just handcuff him to Jack! [Sammy] SAMMY IS UNEASY WITH THAT PLAN, [Jack] *laughing* What could go wrong! It’s not like Jack is significantly less strong or anything!!
[Jack] Not everyone makes up their entire self, Joey!!! (Affectionate)!!
[Sammy] I give my word, my sheep! [Henry] How good is your word? [Sammy] I mean. It’s pretty good.
[Henry] Henry’s trying to decide if it would be rude to doodle during this very serious conversation. [Jack] I mean, Jack is taking notes, so I feel like-- [Joey] --you can get away with fake note-ing. [GM] No one will know! [GM] Well, Bendy will know, because he’s up high. [GM] Ceiling Bendy
[Sammy] He’s not gonna give you a grade afterwards, like, this isn’t a lecture, [Jack] Time for Prophet Pop Quiz!
[GM] What’s Prophet writing? [Sammy] Um, I gotta think about this... [Jack] “Dear Frightened Shepherd, that Allison person sure is nice, isn’t she?” [GM] “What’s up with everyone ragging on her?” [Joey] “I think I have finally found a way to bridge the gap between us!” [Jack] “I think you need to replace your sheep, they seem kind of suspicious for no reason,” [Jack] “To Do List: Get Better Sheep”
[Sammy] Does this feel like something that’s trying to take his focus, like, very compelling creative ideas? [GM] Yes. [Sammy] ...Prophet will write “don’t get distracted” five more times.
[GM] His mind is abuzz with thoughts of dancing and actoring, [GM] Ideas to be the best Joey ever! [Jack] Oh no.
[Joey] He will wave at the cutout and make a “come here” motion. [Joey] Though also, he’s looking at the cutout like, I’m not quite sure how this works, but I’m going to trust you that it works! So I’m going to do this and see if Bendy shows up! [Jack] Like someone trying to learn how to do phone video calls for the first time, [Joey] YES. Joey’s actually like really close to the cutout, and the motions -- you can make them out, but it’s really awkward,
[Sammy] They’re in no danger. I will take care of the Shepherd’s sheep. [Jack] ...JACK’S BEEN DOWNGRADED!! He’s no longer PROPHET’S sheep!
[Joey] I like how everything Prophet says really just feels like, Knife Cat face.
[GM] You could probably make a Mythos roll to figure it out. [Joey] *rolls* Oh! Extreme success! [GM] Joey’s back!
[GM] Bendy will lead Joey back to the room, where hopefully there are three alive, non-fighting boys!
[Jack] Part of me was like, “What if Jack DOES turn into a cat…?! It’d be pretty hard to write things!” [GM] *laughs* We’ll keep that in our back pocket, in case Jack ever fails a Mythos check. [Jack] Meowthos check…
[Henry] I’m going to have Henry look, look with his Special Eyes.
[Sammy] *failing a roll* Prophet is just, NOT on the ball today, in any way shape or form. [GM] Really hard not to think about music. : ) [Sammy] Ohhhhhh boy, [Jack] Prophet just writes a note to Sammy that says “HOW do you LIVE like this???”
[Henry] Henry’s gonna try to scribble what he remembers of the symbol!  [Sammy] Didn’t we learn, from the last scenario, about reproducing weird symbols, [Henry] No.
[Joey] Did Joey get burnt? [GM] Make a dexterity roll! : ) [Henry] *mumbling* Y’all this entire building is made of wood. *Joey fails* [GM] 1 point of damage, you singe your hand -- on the plus side, you kind of were holding it as it burned up, so it doesn’t fall on the wooden floor. [Sammy] OH GOOD, we’re not LOCKED IN A CLOSET that’s about to burn down? GREAT!
[Joey] We could head over to the infirmary -- [Jack] Jack is already pulling the burn ointment out of his bag. [Jack] He’s prepared this time! [Jack] He’s been practicing, he knows what you’re all like,
[Joey] Joey will give him a smile that’s most recognisable as the “I know you will do good!” smile. [Sammy] Prophet will also smile! It is not a friendly smile. [Jack] It’s a “smile” in quotation marks, but it’s like, baring your teeth as an act of aggression. 
[Jack] Jack lets him go to do the call, but just before he picks up the phone, he says, “Don’t call him Petey.”
[GM] The phone rings, and is not answered. [Joey] Okay! Joey hangs up, says Peter checked into his room, but is not answering. Most likely asleep. [Jack] Half of my brain is going, “what if he’s just stood outside Jack’s house?” The other half of my brain is concerned about manias. I hope he’s not decided that now is a really great time to do more writing, and now he can’t stop, and this could go wrong-- [Jack] This is what Jack’s mind is doing, thinking of all the terrible possibilities. [Joey] While humming. [Jack] ...yes. He’s writing some very troubling lyrics.
[Sammy] *talking about Jack’s compulsive humming* Like Cornifer, [Jack] *starts humming Cornifer’s theme* Dangit, now it’s in my head, why would you do this to me? [Sammy] It’s in character! [Sammy] Method acting. : )
[Joey] Joey’s going to grab supplies to make sure Bendy can… hang around with them! [Joey] Sleepover supplies! Let’s grab your sleepover bag! :D
[Sammy] I don’t know why the idea of a wild Bendy running around across the rooftops is so cute to me… [GM] Probably on all fours, [Jack] Scampering,
[Jack] It’s a good thing Henry’s around because I don’t think Jack can… carry??? An entire Sammy??? [Jack] Like he’s good at holding but he’s not strong at holding.
[Joey] We’ve all been acting terrible for the last 24 hours… [Joey] WAIT. We’ve all been acting terrible for the last 24 hours!!!
[GM] Bendy hides under a blanket or something. [Jack] Comfey… [GM] Cozy boy, [Joey] Bendyrito. [Sammy] BENDYRITO,…….. [GM] Rolled up… snug...
[GM] Is everybody coming into the apartment, or just the two? [Jack] Hmmm….. Jack isn’t fond of either of these options. Going in is suspicious and weird; staying outside makes it look even more like they’re breaking in, to steal things, as opposed to, y’know, breaking in, for,,, “good” reasons(???) [Sammy] We’re not breaking in, we’re just walking into this apartment! What’s so weird about that?! [Jack] That’s breaking in. That’s what breaking in is, Sammy. [Sammy] They don’t have to know that we don’t belong here, maybe Susie gave us a key! [Jack] ...they heard us knocking. [Sammy] [Sammy] We’re BEING POLITE!! SHUT UP!!
[Henry] Jack, did you pick up kleptomania.. [Joey] I thought Jack picked up Being Prepared! [Jack] H-he’s just hoarding a little bit!! It’s fine!!! It’s very, useful, see, already Joey got injured!! It was useful to bring lots of things with him okay!!!!!!!!!
[GM] They do not have the police called on them, so that’s nice. [Sammy] Oh good! [Jack] Thank GOODNESS. [Henry] Love when that happens! [GM] If you guys got arrested, the Lurker’s just out in the car all night, [Henry] oh NO, [Jack] Worse punishment than jail… [Joey] Lurker learns how to drive for fun. [GM] *laughs* Gets curious, [Joey] “I said I wouldn’t leave the car, but--”
[Joey] WAIT. There’s a very important factor that we just decided but didn’t say. [GM] Oh? [Joey] If we have Henry heading home, and everyone else sleep over at Jack’s…. [Joey] ...the Lurker finally gets to meet a cat. *everyone gasps* [Jack] Oh that’s SO important
[Henry] And Henry will probably look at these, while in the car, to make sure they don’t have any gold writing on them-- [Sammy] Isn’t Henry driving??? [Henry] ……Henry is not going to look at them in the car,
[Sammy] We’re all going to bed, Sammy, you don’t need a banjo to sleep! [Joey] You might sleep worse if you have a banjo, actually. You might not stop.
[Sammy] Jack you wanna join us? We’re gonna just jam all night! [Jack] It really is Jammy… [Sammy] *laughs* TRUE Jammy!! Real Jammy Hours… [GM] That makes it a pyJAMa party… a real jammy jam…
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